2024 Teton County Democratic Candidates


The 2024 Democratic candidates for Teton County are fighting for reproductive rights and healthcare, affordable housing and a lower cost of living, climate action and public lands, education funding, accessible childcare and senior care, and a whole lot more.

Learn more about our 2024 Teton County candidates below and read our 2024 platform ahead of the crucial election for our democracy on November 5, 2024.


County Commissioner Candidates

Below are the Teton County residents who are registered Democrats running for two seats on the Teton County Board of County Commissioners on November 5, 2024.


Natalia D. Macker

From childcare and affordable housing to wildlife and water quality, care for our community is my top priority. We need practical action for our working families and seniors, for our small businesses, and for our rich ecosystem. As a working mom, I know how to get things done and bring people together. I am a pragmatic problem solver focused on building a prosperous future for my family, for yours, and for this beautiful place.



Six weeks in the summer of 1978 as a summer high school field ecology student at the Teton Science School in Kelly started my life-long love affair with Jackson Hole. I’ve been a student of this community and the greater Yellowstone ecosystem ever since. 32 years with my wife, Anne Ladd - raising Madeline (now 27) and Reed (23) - 28 years as a Wyoming lawyer, and more cumulative years on local and statewide non-profit boards than I can count add up to a life of committed engagement on behalf of Teton County.

Jackson Town Council Candidates

Below are the registered Democrats running for one of two seats on the Jackson, WY Town Council on the November 5, 2024 ballot. Please note that town races are non-partisan on the ballot.



Growing up on a dirt road in a rural area, I have seen bad development decisions degrade the environment and community character. I want to do everything I can to keep that from happening in Jackson. We need to be more intentional with how our community evolves. It is going to take skill and experience to balance the pressing housing and business needs with protecting our precious water and environment.

I have twenty years of legal practice experience in the government, nonprofit, and private sectors. This includes working as an attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice in the Environment and Natural Resources Division and for Earthjustice. I am experienced with resolving complex disputes in a fair and effective manner. I speak the language of land use and government law. I have already been working with Town and County leadership and staff on policy issues daily as a clean water advocate.

I work hard to truly understand different points of view, which allows me to make balanced and reasoned decisions. Town Council is a team sport, not an individual sport. To be effective, a majority of Town Council Members need to be rowing in the same direction. My experience and temperament will help me work effectively with the other Council Members and key partners to make good decisions.

My priorities include:
• Protecting clean water and the environment, including water that is safe to drink in our entire community and waters that are safe to swim in without the threat of E. coli.
• Providing transportation and traffic solutions, including permanent and workable service to the airport.
• Balancing economic and housing solutions, including seeing the 90 Virginian Lane development to the finish line.

I am proud to be a Democrat and hope to represent my fellow Democrats on Town Council!


Community First

Hi! I’m Perri. I have lived in Jackson full time for nearly 8 years, and have been part of the Valley for over 35 years. I live in the “Rodeo Grounds North” neighborhood. I became a community organizer by happenstance, about 6 years ago. At the time, I learned of the zoning changes and density increases that were targeted for certain parts of town and I became concerned. I canvassed our neighborhood, talked with people, explained what I thought was happening and got their perspectives. Since that time, I have become increasingly involved with issues in town pertaining to overdevelopment and its far-reaching effects on our town.

I’m running for town council because I believe our town needs a new vision. Jackson needs to grow responsibly, while maintaining its unique town character. We need to keep the proliferation of hotels and luxury condos in check. We need to focus on the people who sustain Jackson and build their lives here.

I believe our Town Council needs to drive a thoughtful approach that permits reasonable development but prioritizes the natural resources, wildlife habitats and historic characteristics that have made Jackson so unique but are now slipping away. Our town needs to grow, but despite all the “planning” that we do, we don’t have a vision of what we want our town to be over the next 30 years. We need a serious re-set and course correction. We need to set limits and make hard decisions that may not be politically convenient. We need to set higher standards and have higher expectations as our community looks to the future.

My Priorities

1. Responsible Development: Any development needs to have minimal impact on our environment and ensure that wildlife habitat and water quality are protected for future generations. We also need to anticipate and mitigate traffic impacts of any development and ensure that we have the essential infrastructure to support any new and existing projects.

2. Community Centered, Community First: We must do a much better job of working with our neighborhoods and their residents. We must prioritize the preservation, restoration and repurposing of historic structures and retain their landscapes. We must enhance our social and human services capacities to meet the needs of all residents.

3. Fiscal Responsibility: Funding our town’s essential services is a big challenge. We need a better way to ensure that we are able to fund the quality and quantity of services that our community needs and expects. I’d like to see Town conduct a thorough assessment of all expenditures and determine where we can be more efficient. Let’s move away from the divisive rhetoric and grandstanding that has dominated negotiations with our colleagues at the County

4. Affordable Housing Solutions: I am a true champion of affordable housing, but the reality is that housing is a long-term problem. We need to move away from our reactionary “crisis” approach that has resulted in too many 400 square foot UNITS and not enough real HOMES where families can live and grow and stay for the long term.

We need to move away from the “heads in beds” philosophy of the past several years and use creative strategies to address the long-term affordable housing issues in our town. We need to prioritize the restoration and repurposing of existing structures rather than having our first response be “build more”.
Other housing issues need to be addressed: For example: rework or eliminate the highly problematic “workforce” designation, create ways to help people who are “stuck” in the middle – making too much money to qualify for an affordable home but not enough to afford the price tag of a market rate starter home.
Join me! Vote Perri Stern for Town Council. Website:perriforcouncil.com

Mayor of the Town of Jackson Candidates

Below are the registered Democrats running for one seat as the Mayor of the Town of Jackson, WY on the November 5, 2024 ballot. Please note that town races are non-partisan on the ballot.


Arne Olaus Jorgensen

I have highlighted the urgency of addressing growth and inequity. We are at a tipping point between becoming a resort in place of a community first. We should view our discussions through this lens and be sure that we are looking to reinforce a community of people while respecting place.


Jessica Sell Chambers is running for mayor with a demonstrated commitment to representing the community and working people of Jackson. She believes in human, responsive, and transparent leadership. Jessica is known for her active engagement in the community, seeking out conversations with residents at their doorsteps, and taking their concerns seriously. Jessica served the Wyoming Democrats for eight years on the Democratic National Committee. She did not seek reelection this year so she could focus on helping her friends and neighbors as mayor of Jackson. She asks for your vote.

State Representative Candidates

Below are the Teton County residents who are registered Democrats running for statewide office on the November 5, 2024 ballot.


House District 23

Liz Storer

Liz believes it’s time to challenge the status quo in Cheyenne, as many of the problems that are vexing Teton County are rooted in state policy, and thus require state solutions. Reducing the state’s reliance on property tax increases in Teton County is key. Liz also thinks people should have the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions and will fight for women’s reproductive rights in Cheyenne.

House District 16

Rep. Mike Yin

I want to ensure the foundation of a sustainable community. That means making sure that Wyoming can retain great people and families instead of the state population being in decline. That means ensuring that families can afford their homes, and that kids have access to a free quality education across the state.

U.S. House of Representatives Candidate



From a young age, I was immersed in the world of activism, inspired by my parents who were dedicated campaigners. Growing up, our home was a hub of political discussions and campaign activities, instilling in me a passion for democracy and a commitment to finding common ground. This early exposure to civic engagement shaped my understanding of the importance of active participation in our political system.

As I reflect on my journey, from my formative years in Cheyenne to earning degrees from the University of Wyoming (B.S.), Colorado State University (M.S.), and Walden University (M.Phil.), I see a path defined by resilience and determination. My diverse professional experiences, ranging from gymnastics coach to grant writer, and my volunteer work, including roles as a 4-H leader and labor caucus chair, have equipped me with unique perspectives and a deep connection to my community.

Today, I am driven by an unyielding conviction to stand up for what I believe in. Witnessing the current state of our government, I am compelled to advocate for decorum, cooperation, and the protection of our democratic values. My lifelong commitment to, reproductive rights, workers’ rights and equality motivates me to continue fighting for a better future for Wyoming, where every citizen can thrive and contribute to our shared community.