How to Vote in Teton County, WY, for the 2024 General Election
(It’s Easy!)
Election Day: November 5, 2024
Early Voting: October 8 - November 4, 2024
In Teton County, Wyoming, you can register and vote on the same day!
And, as long as you currently live in the county, you can register with an out-of-state license, or any of the forms of identification listed below.
With absentee vote-by-mail and a dropbox outside the absentee voting place, it’s also very easy to vote safely in the 2024 General Election.
If you live here and love here, then vote here.
What Are The Requirements?
Must be 18 years or older on election day
Must be a citizen of the United States
Must be a resident of Teton County and the precinct in which you register
Must withdraw voter registration from any other jurisdiction, if applicable (on the Wyoming registration application).
Must not be a convicted felon (or if convicted, have had civil or voting rights restored) or adjudicated mentally incompetent
What do I need to register?
Valid ID documents
One of any of the following:
Wyoming Driver’s License
United States Passport
Driver's License or Identification Card issued by any State or Outlying Possession of the United States
Identification Card issued by the Federal Government, any State or Local Government, or an Agency thereof
A tribal ID of any Federally Recognized Tribe
Photo Identification Card issued by the University of Wyoming, a Wyoming Community College, or a Wyoming Public School
United States Military Card
Identification Card issued to a Dependent of a member of the United States Armed Forces.
Or, two of any of the following:
Certification of United States Citizenship
Certificate of Naturalization
United States Military Draft Record
Voter's Registration Card from another State or County
United States Social Security Card
Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State
Original or certified copy of a birth certificate bearing an official seal
Any other form of identification issued by an official agency of the United States or a State.
You must also know your physical and mailing address in Teton County, but do not need to bring proof of residence.
How to Register to Vote
There are three easy ways to register to vote in Teton County:
You can register to vote in-person at the Teton County Clerk's Office (200 S Willow St in Jackson), Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If registering less than 14 days prior to election day, you must also vote absentee at the same time.
You can register by mail by filling out the voter registration form and following its instructions for mail.
As a last resort, you can register and vote on the November 5 election day at one of Teton County’s five vote centers.
How to Vote by Mail (ABsentee)
To receive an absentee ballot by mail, you must fill out and return a request form, which can be found here.
After you receive your ballot in the mail, return it as soon as possible. All absentee ballots must be received at the County Clerk's Office by 7 p.m. on November 5, 2024 to be counted.
Please allow ample time for your ballot to reach the Clerk’s Office — it can take up to seven days for the USPS to deliver mail within the county.
If you received an absentee ballot in the mail and would rather return it in-person, there is a drop-off ballot box outside the Teton County Administration Building, where the Clerk’s Office is located.
The safe and secure drop box for ballots, outside the Teton County Administration Building.
How to Vote Early in-Person
You can also vote early (absentee) in-person at the Teton County Clerk’s Office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, through Monday, November 4, 2024.
Where to Vote on Election Day
There will be five Teton County vote centers open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the November 5 election day. You can vote at any one of the centers below, regardless of your precinct.
While it is recommended that you register prior to election day, you can still register and vote on November 8 at these locations.
Teton County/Jackson Recreation Center, 155 E Gill Ave, Jackson, WY
Teton County Library, 125 Virginian Ln, Jackson, WY
Old Wilson Schoolhouse Community Center, 5655 Main St, Wilson, WY
Teton County Weed & Pest Building, 7575 US-89, Jackson, WY
Alta Branch Library, 50 Alta School Rd, Alta, WY
Please Note: As of July 1, 2021, Wyoming voters are required to show an acceptable form of identification when voting in person. There are many ID options for you to use to prove your identity. Any of the following documents will be accepted:
WY Driver's License or ID Card
Tribal ID Card
US Passport
US Military Card
DL or ID Card from Another State
University of Wyoming Student ID
Wyoming Community College Student ID
Wyoming Public School Student ID
Valid Medicare Insurance Card
Valid Medicaid Insurance Card
If you do not have one of the documents in the list above, you may obtain a free Wyoming Identification Card from your local Driver Services office.
For any questions regarding registration and voting in Teton County, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 307-733-4430 or
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